Friday, May 19, 2006

New Committee's formed for Downsview Secondary School

As we start to shut the Reunion part down we have started up some new committees to continue to do DSS business...

As was discussed many times the Website will continue on with many have formed the following!

1) Yearbook Committee: Chair - Badur Bardia

Joe Nasurzio - Jamie Savage - Mike McAuley, Don McPhee, Al Ross, Kathleen Murray, Chris Hayder,Jerry Corcoran

2) Time Capsule Committee: Chair - Scott Crowe, Jerry Corcoran, Rosemary Lucas, Sharon Alford, Pam Budge, Mike "D"

3) Golf Committee: Chair - Harry McMullen

John Morache - Jim Morache, Chris Hayder, Tony Greco, Paul Linetski, Rosemary Lucas, Sharon Alford, Dawna Luckett

4) Library Historical Display: Chair - Pheobe Wellman

Scott Crowe - Dave Morrison - Maria Palermo

5) Merchandise: Chair - Diane Nicholls, Tony Greco

6) Art Committee: Chair - Sergio Simone, Tony Greco

7) Website Committee: Chair - Al Walsh, Sergio Simone, Kevin Mooney, Tony Greco, Jim Morache, Badur Bardia, Mike McAuley, Dave Morrison(This committee will be dealing with the many Fundraising opportunities that the Video - CD - Pics will offer with regard to the Legacy Fund )

If you want to get involved please contact a memeber of the executive committee or me at!


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