Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Congratulations From Murray Hancock, Digby Nova Scotia

Hi Mike...

Now that the dust has settled from May 13th, I wanted to write to you and
thank you for sending all the websites, eMails,....especially the album

I will look forward to see more pictures as the site develops..

I also wanted to congratulate you and your committees for all the hard work
put into the reunion. I am sorry I could not be there.. I was a large part
of the 25th and 40th reunions at DSS and I KNOW how much work goes into
these events...

I did know about the live feed but having an iMac (old updated
machine/relic) did not allow me to see the feed as there is an age old
Mac/IBM thing :-). The new iMac can read all files so when this crock goes
to MacHeaven maybe I'll be able to receive modern IBM AND MAC files but
until then.......

Roy Stephens eMailed me with glowing reports ( 5 pages!) of the day so
again congrats!!!

One interesting sidelight......

When our son (older) was married, the wedding flowers were magnificent!
They were done by our friends in Don Mills ( at the bottom of our old street
where we used to live) whom we have known for 25 years. The husband owns a
flower shop (Dundas and Dupont... third generation flower shop). He and his
wife went to DSS in its FIRST year so she had a blast ( he couldn't go as
the busy day for him is Saturday) at the reunion. Think the husband started
at Bathroom Heights SS( as DSS was there while the new school building was
completed) and then transferred over to the new building half way through
the year.. She wrote immediately Monday morning to tell me how much fun
it was..... Again congrats!

You must be tired from all the work but rest assured you made a difference
in many lives that day and had many people's memory cells working overtime!

Take care Mike....

Sincerely: Murray Hancock DSS 76-88


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