Thursday, May 18, 2006


From Carol Denyer(Smith-73) DSS Reunion Singer and grad.)

Again, for those of you who were there, I surprised Kenny (who I think went into shock) with a good wishes email from Mason Williams who composed Classical Gas. Kenny did him proud and played the piece with panache and it transported us back to those days. Thanks to Mason and to Kenny.

Message from Mason Williams:
I hope you are able to get this message in time to give to Kenny.

Kenny here's to wishing you and all your classmates a wonderful 50th. 2006 is my 50th as well (graduated from High School in 1956) Carol Denyer says your a musician, A classical guitarist who leads a jazz band...she didn't say which was your day job?
Anyway if you're like me you're working night and day whatever gig is up! Thanks for you're interest in my tune and I hope your friends truly realize how tough the damn thing is to play!

Please send me your mailing address ASAP

And again, like the "Spoonful" if you wish to thank him for that, here is Mason Williams, email and again, I ask that you only email him with thanks and not blast his address with anything else.

Mason Williams:

PS: Could this email also be included in our "memory pack"?

Carol Smith 1973

Kenny Namak aka Kenny Simon

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 7:38 pm Post subject: Thanks Everybody! from Kenny Namak

Hi Everybody,

I’d just like to say here that the Reunion was one of the best days I’ve ever had. It was such a pleasure meeting so many people from the the golden days of DSS. I also enjoyed attending the meetings and being involved somewhat with this thing. I still plan to be in the picture in the future. The reunion committee did an outstanding job at putting this event together.

Even before the official reunion, the web site gave cause for some of us to get together; for me, it was with The Blaydon Gang.

It was also a great experience to perform at the evening reunion event. There is no greater pleasure than to have your own DSS family to cheer you on!

The reading of the letter from ‘Classical Gas’ composer (and Smothers Brothers Show head producer) Mason Williams, let alone letters from ‘The Lovin’ Spoonful’, was rather mind blowing! It’s quite flattering that Mr. Williams now knows about me and about DSS. We can thank Carol Smith Denyer for that amazing surprise.

I would also like to thank all the people who have written in this forum who have expressed their appreciation for the concert, including Sergio Simone - who remembered me playing Classical Gas from years ago - and had the fortitude to suggest that I play it at the reunion for old time sake, Jim Morache - who’s like a one man orchestra in the way he gets so many things accomplished, John Morache, Carol Denyer - who came in from Scotland and put on such an amazing performance, Mike D, Jim Savage, Brenda Cooper, Steve T, Jimmy The Organizer, the Blaydon Gang, (hey Wendy...), the JJ Gas Band, and everybody I got to meet (and people I didn’t have a chance to meet) during the reunion. There were so many, I wish I could name them all.

I hope we can keep things going, if you know what I mean. Sometimes things are better the second time around.

Well thanks again... and see you soon!

Kenny Simon Namak

Kenny Namak aka Kenny Simon


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