Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Jerry Shack Comedian New York City

Originally from Canada now living in the NYC area. I can usually be found at one of the local comedy clubs performing or watching. Performing and writing comedy are my true passions and I love to talk to others who share this passion. As well I have my pilots license so that is another area of joy that I could talk about for hours. I tend to be understanding of those who have different opinions than I do even if they are wrong. I feel we have to be open to listening and understanding others not really but it sounds nice to say. As for my comedy I talk about the trials of getting older and what lies ahead as well as my career now and in the past. It can best be described as DARK. Nothing is sacred whether it is a church service, drugs, or being what can only be described as a different kind of father it is my right to talk about these things from my point of view. Family of course gets discussed as well as my very humble observations about my faith or lack of and what ever seems to fit for that moment.
I can say it is a great relief not to have to worry that I will die young


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