Monday, May 22, 2006

The Laying of the Cornerstone

OPUS # 1

Friday, November 26, 1954 will be remembered by Downsview students and teachers as the occasion of the laying of the cornerstone of their school. In this block of cement lie the news of the day, one copy of each of the daily newspapers, the names of the 1954 Board of Education members and the coins of the realm.

Although the brief ceremony took place on a cold and muddy day, school spirit was shown by the number of students and staff members present on this occasion. As well as our principal, Mr. Chapman, our teachers and our students, Mr. F. C. Stinson, Rabbi Jordan Pearlson, Reverend T.F. Hayes, Canon A.C. McCallum, Dr. L.S. Beattie, Reeve F.J. McMahon, Mr. H.J. Allward and Mr. S.J. Kelner were present to wish us luck and happiness in the new building.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mike, great job on the DSS site

8:07 PM  

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