Monday, May 29, 2006

Downsview Secondary - Eve Of Reunion Poem

Eve Of Reunion Poem
by Randi Chikofsky
Wed May 17, 2006 9:16 pm

T'was the eve of the reunion and all through the site
Everyone was posting and all seem so bright.

The threads had been visited by many to say
They were all in a hurry for their special day.

Their memorabilia was waiting on desk and on chair
To be taken to the party so alumni could share.

Sergio asleep at the keyboard was dreaming
While James and lsc were packing and sealing.

When out in the school yard their rose such a clatter
Out ran Alan and Esther to see whats the matter.

At a distance in the field they saw a great flash
ET had landed to televise their bash.

The alumni were coming arriving quickly en masse
And they knew the reunion wouldn't run out of gas.

When what do you think should suddenly appear
But a dozen musicians with truckloads of gear.

Then came the drummer with cymbals and snares
The guitar guy and bass guy and the singer downstairs.

On James and Sergio, on Carol and Kenny

I'm really getting stuck here because there's so many.

There lsc and Gully and Dawna and Randi
And Tina and Jim and Mike and Candy.

We and the others all raring and raging
To celebrate 50 and be so engaging.

The gala the big one they celebrated with glee
And they all did it justice the DSS family.

And so to you all who have won the great plight
Happy reunion to all and to all a good night.

R Tchaikovsky

PS: A great big thanks to Kenny Namak who thoughtfully copied this and sent it to me.
DSS - 1966-70 -


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